· Our aim is to create a free and equal society.

· We are a revolutionary labour movement that uses as its only means of struggle, direct action in all its forms - occupations, strikes, boycotts, sabotage, the general strike, etc. We are independent from all reformist and hierarchical unions and political parties, and we are creating an alternative to these and to existing society. We do not seek to gain political power, but rather to see it distributed equally amongst all.

· We are a network of anarcho-syndicalists practicing co-operation and mutual aid. We have an equal part in the making of decisions. Responsibilities within the network are subject to agreement by the members.

· We are engaged in struggle, where we work and where we live, to develop self-managed production, distribution and servicing for the world community, to meet human needs rather than profit. We give solidarity to others in these struggles.

· We are fighting to abolish all authoritarian institutions such as the State (including its communist variety), capitalism, patriarchy and all hierarchical and oppressive divisions between people.

· We have no country and are organized on an international basis in opposition to oppression everywhere. The ASN is striving to build a viable revolutionary Syndicalist movement in Australia as part of a world wide movement able to meet the challenge of the global employer offensive.


TO FIND OUT MORE contact us.





Why not order bulk copies to sell at your local shopping centre on Saturday mornings or leave at the lunch room at work or local cafes.

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Rebel Worker has moved


Rebel Worker has moved: Over a ten year period, Jura Books has mutated into a non-anarchist project resembling more so a Trotskyist group. After 10 years of bullying and lies, their final act of outrage was to use force to illegally remove us from the premises. Please note we (as Anarcho-Syndicalists) are no longer associated with Jura Books. Our correspondence address and email remain the same. We are now forced to seek donations for a

space for Anarcho-Syndicalists in Sydney.


A$750,000 is urgently sought to buy premises for the proposed Rebel Worker- Anarcho-Syndicalist Network Media Centre. Please make out Cheques to Black Cat Media and forward to PO Box 92 Broadway 2007 NSW, Australia.